I am using kubernetes with service as ClusterIP and placing ingress in front of the service to expose this to outside the Kubernetes cluster.
Running ingress with https and to make it https, I created the secret and using the same in ingress.
kubectl create secret tls test-secret --key key --cert cert
Using netscalar in our kubernetes cluster and hence, I am able to use X-Forward-For, Session affinity, Load balancing algoritms along with ingress.
Now, trying to make the service type as LoadBalancer so that I dont have to have ingress. I know, service type loadbalancer provides L4-loadbalancer and hence there wont be session affinity feature in the load balancer. Since, it is ok for few services, I am trying to use this.
Trying to make the service HTTPS and I came across,
Here, we create tls secret and using the reference in the deployment section and not in the service section. Not sure how it works. Also, When i use https://servicename.namespace.svc.XXXXX.com in the browser getting the cert error.
My application is running as https and it needs keystore and truststore in a property file like,
ssl.trustore=PATH_TO_THE_FILE ssl.keystore=PATH_TO_THE_FILE
I am confused, How can i make the service type loadbalancer https?