I have a script to move a row of data in an employee schedule spreadsheet (thanks to help from the Sheets reddit) it is working but has stopped finding one part of the data.
Spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10yLJ_NyFasGhlRt2LsXO2CC804Zf5JLvwUisgytQOhM/edit?usp=sharing
Once the Finished column 63 is set to "YES" it copies the data (only from the required columns), locates the employee's name based on whose week is marked "x" and moves them to the Finished Sheet.
The code used to work fully but now it isn't finding "x" or grabbing the employee's name. I've had to update the column numbers in the script a few times as we've gotten more employees, it's possible I've broken it doing that.
(Any blank columns do have data in my real spreadsheet I've just left them blank here as it's not relevant to the script)
Would really appreciate any advice! Thank you!
[Full code in spreadsheet]
if (ecol == 63 && ssh.getName() == 'SCHEDULE' && rng.getValue() == 'YES') { //if Schedule!63 is YES
var data = []; //output data
var rowN = rng.getRow();
var rowV = ssh.getRange(rowN,1,1,63).getDisplayValues();
var row = rowV[0]; //get edited row
var colX = row.indexOf('x')+1; //find X
var offset = colX - ((colX-2) % 5 ) // offset to the first column
var emp = ssh.getRange(1,offset).getValue(); //get employee name
var dd = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+10", "dd/MM/yyyy") //generate date finished
data.push(row[1],row[2],row[3],dd,row[5],emp); //get row
dsh.appendRow(data); //move row
ssh.deleteRow(e.range.rowStart); //delete from schedule