i have a spreadsheet that i keep track of tasks i need to do, once complete i enter a date in the last column. What i want is for that completed task to be moved to sheet 2.
At present i have sheet 1 named SUD_schedule and i want the completed row of data to be moved to sheet 2 named SUD_archive. I've looked through the forum posts already and i've tried a variation of scripts but so far no luck. The closest i have come is this script:
function onEdit() {
var sheet1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();//Original sheet
var sheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[1];//target sheet
// to act on only one sheet, check the sheet name here:
//If it si not first sheet, it will do nothing
if (sheet1.getSheetName() != "SUD_schedule") {
//Get Row and column index of active cell.
var rowIndex = sheet1.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
var colIndex = sheet1.getActiveRange().getColumnIndex();
//If the selected column is 10th and it is not a header row
if (colIndex == 16 && rowIndex > 1) {
//Get the data from the current row
var data = sheet1.getRange(rowIndex,1,1,9).getValues();
var lastRow2;
//Copy the data to the lastRow+1th row in target sheet
Column P (16) is the task complete date, row 1 is frozen and contains column headers.
Can anybody help show where i'm going wrong.
Kind regards Den