I am going to create a Windows scheduled task that triggers every 3hours to copy files from an Azure managed disk to an Azure Files container using AzCopy v8 (v10 was still in preview when this project started).
My plan is to exclude older files ("/XO" flag) so that only new files are copied.
I have some concerns that my approach may not function correctly in 2 particular scenarios and I'm hoping someone can advise:
1) If a file transfer previously failed and the file is incomplete in the Azure Files container, will this incomplete/broken file be transferred and completed when AzCopy is rerun using the "/XO" flag when the previous journal file exists?
2) When rerunning an AzCopy command when a previous command did not complete (ie: a journal file exists) will AzCopy finish any files in the journal file and send any new files that didnt exist when the original journal file was created?