
I am trying to use AzCopy to download blobs from a container in an Azure storage account. Every time I issue the command it immediately returns and says "Finished 0 of total 0 file(s)."

The container is private. I'm using Windows Azure Storage Command Line which is included in the Windows Azure Storage tools download that includes AzCopy.

I can successfully upload files using AzCopy with no problem. Here are examples of my commands.

Upload (Copy) To Azure Storage - This Works

AzCopy c:\temp https://<myaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/<mycontainer> /destkey:<mykey> /V:C:\temp\logs\azcopy.log

Download (Copy) From Azure Storage - This Does Not Work

AzCopy https://<myaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/<mycontainer> c:\temp\meb /sourceKey:<mykey> /V:C:\temp\logs\azcopy.log

I know my key is correct because upload works without a problem. It's like it thinks there are no files in the container, but if I login to the Azure portal I can see files in -mycontainer- which resides in -myaccount-.

I can't find any details online about anyone having a similar issue. What am I missing?

AzCopy Folder Files and Versions

  • AzCopy.exe (1.0.8698.584)
  • Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll (
  • Microsoft.Data.OData.dll (
  • Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll (
  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.DataMovement.dll (1.0.8698.584)
  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll (
Which version of SDK are you using? Can you list the version number of all the files (exes and dlls) in AzCopy folder?Gaurav Mantri
@GauravMantri I've updated the question with AzCopy folder files and versions. Any help you can provide would be appreciated!dblood
Thanks. I've the same DLLs and also seeing the same problem. I'm inclined to believe the problem is somewhat related to the problem here: stackoverflow.com/questions/21650463/… but I'm not 100% sure. Let me do some more research into it. It may be a little while before I get back on this.Gaurav Mantri
thanks for investigating. Any help is appreciated. It seems like the most basic of operations. And there are examples of this very functionality.dblood

2 Answers


Try downloading the blob by specifying /S parameter. So your download command would be:

AzCopy https://<myaccount>.blob.core.windows.net/<mycontainer> c:\temp\meb /sourceKey:<mykey> /S /V:C:\temp\logs\azcopy.log

From the documentation:

/S                        Recursive copy.
                          In recursive copy mode the source and destination
                          are treated as a directory (file-system) or
                          as a prefix string (blob storage).

This should do the trick.


Its very simple with AzCopy. Download latest version from https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-use-azcopy/ and in azcopy type: Copy a blob within a storage account:

AzCopy /Source:https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer1 /Dest:https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer2 /SourceKey:key /DestKey:key /Pattern:abc.txt

Copy a blob across storage accounts:

AzCopy /Source:https://sourceaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer1 /Dest:https://destaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer2 /SourceKey:key1 /DestKey:key2 /Pattern:abc.txt

Copy a blob from the secondary region

If your storage account has read-access geo-redundant storage enabled, then you can copy data from the secondary region.

Copy a blob to the primary account from the secondary:

AzCopy /Source:https://myaccount1-secondary.blob.core.windows.net/mynewcontainer1 /Dest:https://myaccount2.blob.core.windows.net/mynewcontainer2 /SourceKey:key1 /DestKey:key2 /Pattern:abc.txt

To resume any intrrupted operation specify /Z option or for recursive operation specify /S