
I have a capacity dashboard in Tableau that is designed for the user to select a start date and the days required for a new project to add onto a stacked bar chart. Currently, I am getting the wrong calculations due to this piece of my IF formula

AND [Date] <= [Start Date] + ([Days Required])

as it is including weekends in that part. I don't have weekends in my data source, my views, and date is discrete. Is there a function, or way to get that particular part of the IF formula to ignore weekends?

Thank you for any help!

Can you include the entire calculation and some sample data. You might be looking for what @shmicah put below... or you could be looking to skip weekends and just count business days. It isn't totally clear. Thanks.tagyoureit

2 Answers


datename('weekday',TODAY()) can give you the string name of the day - keyword being 'weekday' versus just 'day'. You can check:

if datename('weekday',TODAY())='Saturday' OR datename('weekday',TODAY())='Sunday'

Here is something I came up with..

Q.Add days to start date by and skip the weekends (in other words, consider only weekdays).

Solution: Determine the end_date by adding the days to start_date [End Date]:

DATEADD('day',[Days],[Start Date])

I've created 2 calculated fields for this. 1. Add_days - To add days to [days] field when a week comes between [Start Date] and [End Date]. [Add_days]

[Days]+DATEDIFF('week',[Start Date],[End Date])+DATEDIFF('week',[Start Date],[End Date])
  1. End_date_final - To get the final end date that excludes weekends and gives a new End Date. [End_date_final]
IF DATENAME('weekday',DATEADD('day',[Add_days],[Start Date]))='Saturday'
DATEADD('day',[Add_days]+2,[Start Date])
ELSEIF DATENAME('weekday',DATEADD('day',[Add_days],[Start Date]))='Sunday'
DATEADD('day',[Add_days]+1,[Start Date])
DATEADD('day',[Add_days],[Start Date])

Now you can use the condition in your IF condition as

AND [Date] <= [End_date_final]

Let me know if more help is needed. Have a nice day :)