
I have a dashboard I am developing in 2018.2.3 Desktop that will eventually get published to our internal Tableau Web Portal. I am writing a "Help" tab that has some documentation, directions, etc. for users to view in case they are curious what report is for, how to use it, definitions, etc..

One piece that I want to include at the header of this are three dates:

  • Report Created
  • Report Data Refresh
  • Report Publish Date

The first two are simple, the "Report Created" is just text, since I have no idea how to get the date the report was actually started. Text is fine for this. The Data Refresh is simple as using the, "". That works perfectly.

My only issue is I'd like to include the most recent publish date / revision. Now, I see this in the Tableau Web as meta data on the dashboard, but I'd like it to be part of this "Help" page. Is there a way to do this with some sort of dimension or variable? Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


If you are on Server and not Online, you can take a look at getting this data from the WORKGROUP database that Tableau Server runs from. Use this guide from Tableau to get that setup.

Then you will want to look at the workbook, sites and workbook_versions tables. Here is a sample query that could help.

select s.name site, w.name workbook, wv.version_number, wv.published_at, w.updated_at 
from workbooks w 
left join sites s on w.site_id = s.id
left join workbook_versions wv on w.id = wv.workbook_id
where upper(w.name) like '%<WORKBOOK>%'
group by 1,2,3,4,5
having w.updated_at = max(w.updated_at)

published_at is a timestamp of the initial publish.

updated_at is the last date it was updated.

version_number is a count of how many times the workbook has been published to on that site.

Here is a data dictionary for all the other available tables.

You can pull this query as a new data source and build the text that you want to display.