I have this game that I've been working on. Last night I've built it and uploaded it up on Google Play. I then took my android phone, went on the Play store to download my game and as it starts, it runs horribly. The game moves incredibly fast and laggy, almost as if I set the camera speed to an insanely high number. It is completely unplayable. This would be the main menu of the game, without the UI elements on it: https://youtu.be/Hxih--U8q9g
A little background on the scene:
All these buildings and props are instantiated on runtime in the Update function as the player progresses through the level, but they're also destroyed once the player passes them. All of them are prefabs and all of them use their own individual materials with individual textures. The actual game level the player would play is exactly the same as the main menu, only it has the player in it. My questions is, could this be only because of bad optimization for mobile?
I've already set the quality settings to the lowest inside Unity, and also downsize all textures from the 4K resolution that they were to 128x128 - 512x512 (depending on the asset). Even with those optimizations the game runs as poorly as before.
I'm going to change the way I'm instantiating the objects and I'll use object pooling instead. I'll also use a texture atlas instead of all these different textures and materials.
This is the way I'm instantiating the prefabs at the moment:
void Update()
if (player.transform.position.z >= spawn.transform.position.z)
center = transform.position;
for (int i = 0; i < Random.Range(obstacleDifficulty.x, obstacleDifficulty.y); i++)
Vector3 newPos = transform.position;
newPos.z += moveSpawner;
transform.position = newPos;
public void SpawnObstacles()
Vector3 pos = center + new Vector3(Random.Range(-size.x / 2, size.x / 2), 0, Random.Range(-size.z / 2, size.z / 2));
int n = Random.Range(0, obstacles.Length);
GameObject theObstacle = obstacles[n];
Instantiate(theObstacle, pos, rotation);
IEnumerator Delay()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.05f);
I want to fix this problem so the game runs perfectly smooth. I wonder if doing the things I described above, using pooling and atlases, will be enough to fix this.
EDIT: This is my camera controller script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
public float cameraHeight;
private Vector3 offset;
void Start ()
offset = transform.position - player.transform.position;
void LateUpdate ()
transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;
transform.position = new Vector3(0, cameraHeight, transform.position.z);
I've seen something about using Time.deltaTime on Unity's official tutorials, but I thought I should use that on my player's movement, and multiplying my player's speed value with Time.deltaTime didn't give me the result I wanted. This is my player's movement:
rb.velocity = new Vector3(xVelocity * Input.acceleration.x * 1.75f, 0, speed);
Last night I also disabled all image effects on my camera and that removed around 25 batches from my scene, I had no idea those would be so expensive. I got my scene to around 15 batches as it was around 55-70 before, and I'm yet to test it on my mobile to see how it moves.