I'm writing a unit test for a vueJS component using Jest and vue test utils , my problem is as follows
i have an input component where it triggers a custom event on 2 way data binding data prop value of input element but when i try to set the data prop in my test case through wrapper.setData({value : x}) to validate the custom event is triggered via wrapper.emitted() but it doesn't seem to happened the wrapper.emitted() is always returning an empty object !!
<input v-model="value"
export default {
name : "inputText",
props : {
maxlength: {
type : Number,
// lock it to 100 chars
validator : (maxlength) => {
return maxlength < 100 ? maxlength : 100
minlength: {
type: Number
// regex pattern can be supplied to match
pattern: {
type: String
placeholder: {
type : String,
default : "Type it hard"
type: {
type : String,
required : true,
validator : (type) => {
return [ "text","tel","password","email","url" ].indexOf(type) !== -1
methods: {
handleInput (e) {
this.$emit("text-input" , e.target.value )
data: function() {
return {
value: "initial"
Test Case
import { mount } from "@vue/test-utils"
import InputText from "../InputText.vue"
describe("InputText Component" , () => {
const wrapper = mount(InputText , {
propsData: { maxlength: 10, type: "text" }
it("component should have a type" , () => {
it("component type should be of text siblings" , () => {
it("component renders an input element" , () => {
it("component handles new input value" , () => {
const inputVal = "koko"
wrapper.setData({ value: inputVal })