My component's template contains the following element:
<v-text-field v-model="user.first_name" />
In my vuex store I declare a state
state: {
user: { first_name: '' }
and a getter
getUserInfo(state) {
return state.user;
My component on created()
does the following:
this.user = { ...this.$store.getters.getUserInfo };
this.user is declared like so:
private user!: User;
In the test for this component I use beforeEach to mock the store:
beforeEach(() => {
vuetify = new Vuetify();
getters = {
getUserInfo: () => ({ first_name: 'Test' })
store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
user: { first_name: 'Test' }
This should call the mocked getter on component created() and set the input value to 'Test' via the v-model.
Returns an empty string. I'm reading there are lots of problems with vue-testing-utils and vuetify. (indeed I couldn't find a way to select the raw input element corresponding to the text-field)
To debug further, I tried displaying wrapper.vm.$data
class_property_1: [Getter/Setter],
class_property_2: [Getter/Setter],
but nothing about my user
The test:
it('shows input with text', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, {
mocks: {
$store: store
expect(wrapper.vm.$data.user.first_name).toBeTruthy(); // user is undefined
Do I need to explicitly call the getter in my test although it's called inside created()?
I tried making the getter getUserInfo() return a different string than 'Test' but
still returns 'Test'
Using mount instead of shallowMount solves the text-field problem.
However console.log(wrapper.find('input').text());
is still empty
mocks: { $store: store },...
with simplystore,...
. It's already mocked and it shouldn't be bound to$store
, but tostore
, just like inmain.(js|ts)
. – tao