I tried to upgrade from Opigno LMS 1.38 to Opigno LMS 2.3
it's concerning to upgrade from drupal 7 to Drupal 8
I got this error at the upgrade page :
"The video plugin must define the source_module property."
Please, could someone help me ?
I followed this steps to run the upgrade :
*Step 2: Activate contrib modules for migration in Drupal 8 on page /admin/modules: Migrate Migrate Drupal Migrate Drupal UI Migrate Plus Migrate Tools
Step 3: Activate custom module for migration in Drupal 8 on page /admin/modules:
Opigno Migration
Step 4: Add connection to the legacy base (Drupal 7) with target ‘default’ and key ‘legacy’ in your settings.php file.
$databases['legacy']['default']= array(
'database' => 'opigno_drupal7',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '',
'driver' => 'mysql',
'prefix' => '',
Step 5: Open page /upgrade on your Drupal 8 site and click on button ‘Continue’.*
I got the error after the step 5
thanks in advance