I am trying to install Drupal onto a server. I had originally installed 7.22, found errors, read that I should instead install 7.21 and upgrade, so I attempted that but am now receiving the following error at the Configure Site page of the install process. I am installing with root authority, so I am stumped as to why I am getting a permissions error. I have redacted the actual database username and replaced with [database username].
Warning: fopen(D:\Webs[database username]\drupal-7.21/sites/default/settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in drupal_rewrite_settings() (line 652 of D:\Webs[database username]\drupal-7.21\includes\install.inc).
Thank you so much for any help, I really don't know what else to try! As a note, I do still have the default sites folder on the server from when I installed 7.22. I have renamed it to "oldsites" because it will not allow me to delete it from the server.