I'm trying to pass lambda to std::function<> defined via variadic template, but it seems that this doesn't work on gcc.
Is there any reason, why this code doesn't work on gcc 7.4.0 but working correctly on Visual Studio 2017? And is there any way how to make it work also on gcc without the necessity to manually convert it to std::function<> first?
#include <functional>
template<class ...TParams>
int TestFunction(std::function<void(TParams...)> )
return 0;
void Test()
auto fce = [](int /*n*/, double /*d*/) {};
//This doesn't work with error no matching function for call to 'TestFunction<int, double>(Test()::<lambda(int, double)>&)'
TestFunction<int, double>(fce);
//but this works correctly
std::function<void(int, double)> fce2 = fce;
TestFunction<int, double>(fce2);
I'm getting following error:
main.cpp: In function 'void Test()':
main.cpp:116:31: error: no matching function for call to 'TestFunction<int, double>(Test()::<lambda(int, double)>&)'
TestFunction<int, double>(fce);
main.cpp:106:5: note: candidate: template<class ... TParams> int TestFunction(std::function<void(TParams ...)>)
int TestFunction(std::function<void(TParams...)> fceCallback)
main.cpp:106:5: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
main.cpp:116:31: note: 'Test()::<lambda(int, double)>' is not derived from 'std::function<void(TParams ...)>'
TestFunction<int, double>(fce);