I want to call a rest api and save the results as a csv or json file in Azure Data Lake Gen2. Based on what I have read Azure Functions is the way to go.
The webservice returns data like the following format:
"1","Apples","Alfreds futterkiste"
"2","Oranges","Alfreds futterkiste"
"3","Bananas","Alfreds futterkiste"
"4","Salad","Alfreds futterkiste"
...next rows
I have written a console app in C# which at the moment outputs the data to a console. The webservice uses pagination and returns 1000 rows (determined by the &num-parameter with a max of 1000). After the first request i can use the &next-parameter to fetch the next 1000 rows based on ID. For instance the url
will get me rows from ID 1001 to 2000. (the call of the API and the pagination in reality is a bit more complex and thus I cannot use for instance Azure Data Factory_v2 to do the load to Azure Data Lake - this is why I think i need Azure Functions - unless I have overlooked another servic??. So the following is just a demo to learn how to write to Azure Data Lake.)
I have the following C#:
static void Main(string[] args)
string startUrl = "http://testWebservice123.com/Example.csv?auth=abc&number=1000";
string url = "";
string deltaRequestParameter = "";
string lastLine;
int numberOfLines = 0;
url = startUrl + deltaRequestParameter;
WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
using (Stream myStream = myWebClient.OpenRead(url))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(myStream))
numberOfLines = 0;
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
var row = sr.ReadLine();
var values = row.Split(',');
//do whatever with the rows by now - i.e. write to console
Console.WriteLine(values[0] + " " + values[1]);
lastLine = values[0].Replace("\"", ""); //last line in the loop - get the last ID.
deltaRequestParameter = "&next=" + lastLine;
} while (numberOfLines == 1001); //since the header is returned each time the number of rows will be 1001 until we get to the last request
I want to write the data to a csv-file to the data-lake in the most effective way. How would I rewrite the above code to work in Azure Function and save to a csv in Azure data lake gen2?