I created a Pipeline in Azure Data Factory V2. It will copy the data from Rest API and save this data in the form of JSON file in Azure Data Lake. Then I transform that JSON file using U-SQL and Copy that data into another folder in .csv format. My Pipeline. See the following Image of Pipeline.
The Rest API Return Data into JSON Format lie.
"data": [
"id": "100024937598765",
"name": "Sebastian Martinelli",
"email": "sebastian.martinelli@abc.com",
"administrator": false
"id": "100024909012916",
"name": "Diego Juarez",
"email": "diego.juarez@abc.com",
"administrator": false
"id": "100025002270557",
"name": "Jose Lopez",
"email": "jose.lopez@abc.com",
"administrator": false
"id": "100024553664067",
"name": "Valentin Montemarani",
"email": "valentin.montemarani@abc.com",
"administrator": false
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"next": "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.12/1528385107457405/members?access_token=%2Cemail&limit=25&after=QVFIUjhWdm5EOTk3amJaWHVYR3p1OEZAZAQ0ZAoeTR5TDBwblE0Mmx3dC1zRXhPM2VLZAWdqR0RWQndUVnhpTGc3RkIzVkNIY21EcXFTQU93NHVxRFcxVW12dTNB"
This API is not returning full data it returns data using next link by hitting that next link we can fetch next set of records. How can I fetch this type of data using Iteration in Data Factory V2? I tried other activities like For each, Until and If but unable to repeat that copy activity to fetch complete data.
The Base URL is like
Now the next URL will be the same and have 1 more parameter after in it like
Is there any way to do this?
. You need to extract data out of JSON which you just returned, and I don't see any information on how to do that - I don't expect that it's possible. If this needs to be done in the cloud then I would approach this by writing some powershell to do the basics (call the API, write the JSON to a data lake, inspect the JSON to get the next URI, call the next URI, repeat) and run that in Azure Automation. Then you could call an ADF activity from there using a trigger or just do it all in Powershell – Nick.McDermaid