I have multivariate data collected during the spring and summer seasons (months: 5,6,7,8), not necessarily daily, and over 30 years. How do I turn it into a time series object to conduct a time series analysis?
I have tried: timeseries <- ts(data, start(2017,5), frequency = 4)
But I didn't know what frequency to have, since it's collected 4 times a year but not as "quarterlies".
This is what the data looks like:
Year Month Day ID Size Sex Temperature
1 2017 5 13 033 54.0 M 13.0
2 2017 5 15 044 53.5 F 11.0
3 2017 5 16 141 55.8 M 15.7
I figure maybe I will have to add NAs in the data for the months and days that lack collected data. I also don't know how to divide by day AND month per year...