In this question I'm mostly seeking for advice and guidance on overall understanding of some concepts of drawing wth GTK+ and Cairo in C language (IMO the information on topic is rather scarce, also my experience in really modest).
I'm coding some pet application which captures frames from webcam and displays them on a GTK window. My app is working, but there are some points which I don't feel like grasped.
Overall process:
I've got a webcam frame as an array of bytes mmaped from webcam device to my app's process memory. So when another frame is captured what I have is a 640*480*3 bytes long array which is denoted as being in a RGB24 format. After some searching it looks like for a purpose of displaying it in a GTK window I need to create an object called drawing area using gtk_drawing_area_new(), add a "draw" callback and do "drawing" there in a designated callback. So, according to Cairo "drawing" is a process of applying "source" to "destination". I assume that I already have a source - my webcam mmaped pixels, but it looks like I need to use some "source" that Cairo is able to understand. I found a candidate:
cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, 640, 480);
As I see this call creates some Cairo acceptable object, which along the way allocates a buffer in my app's memory which I can get, using:
unsigned char* surface_data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);
According to docs this is a 640x480x4 bytes long buffer, which, on a little endian archs, should be filled with BGRA formatted pixel data. Then I should rearrange my original webcam pixels for EVERY frame captured using this :
for (size_t idx_src=0, idx_dst=0; idx_src<640*480*3; idx_dst+=4, idx_src+=3) {
surface_data[idx_dst] = image[idx_src+2]; //B [3rd pos -> 1st pos]
surface_data[idx_dst+1] = image[idx_src+1]; //G [no change]
surface_data[idx_dst+2] = image[idx_src]; //R [1st pos -> 3rd pos]
After this I should do "drawing" with:
cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface, 0, 0);
So questions:
- Is it what is supposed to be done for task at hand or I miss something completely here ?
- What confuses me is that I should rearrange my original webcam pixels for EVERY frame captured (this presumably consumes some cpu time, could be a limiting factor for capturing in HD res at high frame rates). Is there some other way ?
- Let's suppose I somehow acquire pixels from webcam in a Cairo conforming format, e.g. 640x480x4 BGRA formatted bytes. Is there a way to "wrap" this data in some Cairo acceptable object to exclude pixel rearranging part ?
- Any other thoughts I should've consider ?
Thanks for attention.