I have a few buttons and an area where I want to draw some things. I have been trying to create a surface for drawing with Cairo since Gtk's Drawing Area
widget doesn't seem to know how to draw basic shapes (or I just failed to find how it does it).
I found some basic tutorials on this (for example: http://zetcode.com/gui/gtksharp/drawing/ or http://www.mono-project.com/docs/tools+libraries/libraries/Mono.Cairo/tutorial/) but can't figure out how to make the surface for drawing in my app, along with buttons and labels, not just a new blank window used only for Cairo drawing.
This is how my app looks for now:
So, I want the blank part in the middle to be my drawing area.
I tried this which I think should make the Drawing Area widget I have in my app drawable with Cairo:
I don't quite understand what I should do here.
I just need to draw some basic circles and lines on it so I don't really need Cairo, any help with how I could do any drawing with Gtk# would be greatly appreciated!