In my SSRS report, I have a column named permit_status. This column has a value generated by an expression (i.e. it comes from custom code). The permit_status value is calculated row-by-row.
The requirement is to show a sum of the different values displayed in the permit_status column, and to have this export to Excel. The values are "Approved" "Pending" etc. I just need one cell showing the total for each value.
I am able to create a footer for this report that uses Sum(...), for example:
=Sum(IIF(ReportItems!permit_status.Value = "Approved", 1, 0))
However, this only shows the sum of "Approved" values for that page of the report - not for the entire report. (And I'm missing something as it doesn't export to Excel.)
What's the best way to sum ReportItems!column_name.Value into a grand total?