Say, there is a Consumer group. (Consumers with the same group ID).
The Consumer group is consuming Topic A from a Broker.
Topic A has 4 partitions, and there are 4 Consumers in that group.
Each Consumer consumes different partition. ( Consumer 1 takes messages in partition 1, Consumer 2 takes messages in partition 2 and so on because that's what consumer group does in kafka. Among Consumer Group, each has 1/4 of the topic.
My question : How do they share the message so that they all have Topic A?
How do they combine those bits and pieces? and where does this take place?
If my computer (consumer 1 of group A) consumes Topic A from a Broker, and my friend's computer (consumer 2 of group A) consumes other pieces of the same Topic, how do we combine the message in Topic A?