My kafka topic has 10 records/messages in total and 2 partitions having 5 messages each. My consumer group has 2 consumers and each of the consumer has already read 5 messages from their assigned partition respectively. Now, I want to re-process/read messages from my topic from start/beginning (offset 0).
I stopped my kafka consumers and ran following command to reset consumer group offset to 0.
./ --group cg1 --reset-offsets --to-offset 0 --topic t1 --execute --bootstrap-server "..."
My expectation was that once I restart my kafka consumers they will start reading records from offset 0 i.e. beginning, but that didn't happen and they polled from their last position i.e. offset 5. Why is that so? I then have to make each of my consumers, explicitly seek to offset 0 (beginning) to re-process/read records from the beginning. And in later tests cycles, I didn't even ran above command to reset offset for kafka consumer group.
My question is, if I have to make my consumers explicitly seek to beginning to make them re-process/read messages again, then what's the purpose of resetting the offset of kafka consumer group?
works. – A.Dev