
I am creating a language flashcard app and am having issues with the state updating when I switch lists. So I see that in my store the mutations are being fired but in my Vuex Dev Tools the state is not registering a change despite the vue updating somewhat...


<label style="margin-left: 5px">Word List</label>
<md-select id="list-select" v-model="currentList">
   <md-option v-for="(list, index) in wordLists" :key="index" :value="list.id">

JS Component

import {mapGetters} from 'vuex';


computed: {
     showModalState: 'showModal',
     computedList: 'currentListWords',
     wordLists: 'wordLists'


watch: {
  currentList(val) {
     let list = this.wordLists.filter((v) => v.id === val).slice();

      this.$store.commit("setCurrentList", list);
      this.$store.commit("setTempList", list);


JS Store Mutations

setCurrentList(state, payload){
  state.currentList = payload;
setTempList(state, payload){
  state.tempList = payload;

JS Getters

  return state.wordList;
  return state.currentList;


currentList: [],
wordLists: [],
Is state.currentList an object?? Id so then you will have to use Vue.set or Object.assignRiddhi
It is an object in an array...Michael Paccione
Did you describe your properties in initial vuex state? { state: () => ({ currentList: [], tempList: [] }) } Also i think you have mistake in properties nameAlexandr Vysotsky

2 Answers


For making the changes reactive you cannot directly assign the values. You will need to use Vue.set(If value of particular attribute/index is to be updated) or Object.assign (if complete object is being updated). Learn more about vue reactivity here.

You will have to do as below in mutation to make your changes reactive.

state.currentList = Object.assign({}, state.currentList, payload)

state.tempList = Object.assign({}, state.tempList, payload)

Did you add getters in your Vuex store object? store.getters.showModal, store.getters.currentListWords etc. If not, use mapState instead of mapGetters to access plain state.