
I am trying to bind a select field to my vuex store using v-model – however, while the selection function seems to work when updating the state, it doesn't change what is displayed in the frontend select box.

visual representation of issue

This is my select tag in the HTML template, there don't seem to be any problems with how I'm iterating over the options):

<select v-model="selectedRole">
    <option v-for="option in roleOptions" :key="option.text" :value="option.value">
        {{ option.text }}

This is my computed property selectedRole which I'm trying to bind to (following the guidelines for a two-way computed property in the docs):

computed: {
  selectedRole: {
    get () {
      return this.$store.getters['user/selectedRole']
    set (payload) {
      return this.$store.commit('user/setRole', { payload })

And this is my user.js file with the corresponding mutations and getters:

export const state = () => ({
  selectedRole: ''

export const mutations = {
  setRole (state, payload) {
    state.selectedRole = payload

export const getters = {
  selectedRole: (state) => {
    return state.selectedRole

This is also my first time using Nuxt.js as a framework, so I don't know if there are some issues or documentation there that I'm unaware of.


1 Answers


For anyone stuck on this in the future, it was because I was passing the payload through as an object... return this.$store.commit('user/setRole', { payload }) needs to be: return this.$store.commit('user/setRole', payload)