I have a problem with my cypher query.
Situation explained: A user is able to connect to other CONTACT nodes, but he can also connect to EVENT nodes. Other users can also connect to these event nodes. We expect to retrieve the nodes we are connected to (CONTACT & EVENT) but we also need to retrieve the event nodes of the CONTACT nodes that we are connected to.
This is the graph we want to see when we retrieve the connected nodes from the bottom center CONTACT node:
But we receive this json output:
"_type": "Node",
"_id": 1,
"nodeType": "EVENT",
"nodeId": 1,
"connected_with": [
"_type": "Node",
"_id": 0,
"nodeType": "CONTACT",
"nodeId": 1
"_type": "Node",
"_id": 2,
"nodeType": "CONTACT",
"nodeId": 2,
"connected_with": [
"_type": "Node",
"_id": 0,
"nodeType": "CONTACT",
"nodeId": 1
We want to go 2 levels deep, meaning we want to see contacts that we are connected to but also contacts we "met" at an event hence the reason we want to go 2 levels deep.
We currently have this cypher query running but as previously mentioned, it's not working.
MATCH path = (n:Node {nodeId: 1})<-[:CONNECTED_WITH*]-(nodes)
WITH collect(path) as paths
CALL apoc.convert.toTree(paths) yield value as json
Any help would be appreciated!