I have the following node structure Emp[e_id, e_name, e_bossid]
. What is more I have a recursive query that exploit the database in recursive traversal on SELF relation e_bossid-[REPORTS_TO]->e_id
MATCH (e:Employee) WHERE NOT (e)-[:REPORTS_TO]->()
SET e:Root;
MATCH path = (b:Root)<-[:REPORTS_TO*]-(e:Employee)
limit 1000;
However the result is PATH. I would like to have result in form of NODES not the path. I tried to use the nodes(path)
, but it gives me an error:
org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonMappingException: Reference node not available (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]->java.util.HashMap["rel"]->java.util.HashMap["nodes(path)"]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.entity.RestNode["restApi"]->org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.RestAPIFacade["direct"]->org.neo4j.rest.graphdb.ExecutingRestAPI["referenceNode"])
When I query without nodes(path)
it seems to return only paths.
How this should be done on the ground of cypher query?