I have a row of cells that contain the numbers 16, 16, 28, 18, 22
within the range K13:O13
and a row of cells with the strings ruben, carter, akko, mostrino, Jaycee
within the range K1:O1
. I have a formula that outputs the value of the cell in the second range when the value of the cell in the first range in the same column meets a condition. The formula, which finds the minimum value of the cells in K13:O13
is this: =INDEX(K$1:O$1, 1, MATCH(MIN(K13:O13), K13:O13, 0))
. The result of this formula is ruben
, but I have multiple cells, K13
and O13
, whose values are the smallest in the given range, so the output should ideally be ruben, carter
How can I modify my formula to output every cell value (separated by a comma) that corresponds to another cell that satisfies a condition? For example, if I have the range K13:Q13
with the following values 4, 6, 4, 4, 9, 5, 8, 7
and the range K1:Q1
with values a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
, the cell containing the desired formula should contain the text a, c, d
A solution that uses Google Apps-Script would also work.