
I need to write a conditional format rule with a custom formula, that should trigger when the certain cell's (the cell in the 3rd row of the column of the current cell) value is "TODAY()", and the current cell is empty. I know how to check the other cell, but is there a way to check the current cell's value in the same rule?

As you can see on this image, one column has a different color because the 3rd row of the column of the current cell contains the current date. And only empty cells are colored.

Here is my rule:

=and($3:$3=TODAY(), ????)

It should apply to all cells in a range A4:M10

I need it to be the one rule, not combination of multiple rules. I need to put something to the place of ????

In other words, I need to place the value described as "Cell is empty" in the custom formula as it's part.

Here is an example spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vpNrX2aUg8vY5WGDDuBnLfPuL-UyrjFvzjdATS73aq8/edit?usp=sharing

the 2 tables in your example look exactly alike on my google spreadsheet android app, not sure what is the problemAprillion
I have a question not about Android, sorry. The difference is in the color of one columnVladimir Mikhaylovskiy
ah. i can see it now even in adroid. at the time the question was about non-empty cells which were all the same... will have a look laterAprillion

6 Answers


The current cell is addressed by the first cell of a range in the conditional formatting. In your example, the range is A4:M10 and therefore you can use A4 as "current cell".

  • Check for empty content:


just like copying a formula
  • Check that the cell in 2nd row of current column row is today:

  • Combine using AND operator:

    =AND(A$2=TODAY(), A4="")

I have updated a copy of your example spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MY9Jn2xpoVoBeJOa2rkZgv5HXKyQ9I8SM3kiUPR9oXU/edit#gid=0


If I want to check if current cell is empty this is working for me:


The cell at the previous row in the column will be



This is the shortest possible way I've found to reference the current cell in conditional formatting spanning a range:


Documentation is here.


Ok, I found the answer myself. The correct complete formula is:


This rule:


checks if the current cell is empty.


Try apply to range:


Custom formula is:


In your custom function rewrite the original conditional formatting range. The spreadsheet application will then take the current cell. As a result, your formula will be something like this


Apply transformations as necessary to make the result truthy/falsy.