I am on halfway of implementing JSON API structure (with underscore attributes).
Actual state for development environment is:
I use the Active Model Adapter structure for requesting to the backend for resources and backend response me with JSON API structure.
In Application Serializer I am using JSONAPISerializer
. I override methods:
and for development, everything works for me (backend in Rails communicate with Ember very good).
The problem is with Ember CLI Mirage and conventions (not sure if there are simple solutions or I need to override again methods in this addon).
Actual state with Ember Cli Mirage and test environment:
I am using import { JSONAPISerializer } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
and then trying to manipulate proper request and then transform it for JSON API format.
It could work like this:
Ember Adapter (Active Model Adapter format - with underscore attributes) ---> Mirage Serializer should get request (find resources created before in tests with associations) and then response it with JSON API format ---> JSON API Serializer could catch it and fill Ember DS.
For now, I have a missing part to serialize it for all cases to JSON API standard (with underscored attributes)
Where should I do this transformation to minimize overriding JSONAPISerializer Mirage Serializer.
I noticed that there are some helpers, but I have a problem to wrap this knowledge together (http://www.ember-cli-mirage.com/docs/advanced/route-handlers#helpers)
Example of structure from Backend:
"data": {
"id": "6",
"type": "first_resource",
"attributes": {
"id": 6,
"my_attribute": "my_attribute"
"relationships": {
"second_resources": {
"data": [
"id": "16",
"type": "second_resource"
"third_resource_other_type": {
"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "third_resource"
"fourth_resource": {
"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "fourth_resource"
"links": {
"fifth_resources": "/api/v1/first_resources/6/fifth_resources"
"included": [
"id": "1",
"type": "fourth_resource",
"attributes": {
"id": 1,
"my_attribute": "my_attribute"
"links": {
"sixth_resource": "/api/v1/fourth_resources/1/sixth_resource"
"id": "16",
"type": "second_resource",
"attributes": {
"id": 16,
"my_attribute": "my_attribute"
"relationships": {
"eighth_resources": {
"data": []
"links": {
"seventh_resources": "/api/v1/second_resources/16/seventh_resources"
"id": "17",
"type": "second_resource",
"attributes": {
"id": 17,
"my_attribute": "my_attribute"
"relationships": {
"eighth_resources": {
"data": []
"links": {
"seventh_resources": "/api/v1/second_resources/17/seventh_resources"
"id": "15",
"type": "second_resource",
"attributes": {
"id": 15,
"my_attribute": "my_attribute"
"relationships": {
"eighth_resources": {
"data": [
"id": "26",
"type": "eighth_resource"
"id": "24",
"type": "eighth_resource"
"links": {
"seventh_resources": "/api/v1/second_resources/15/seventh_resources"
"id": "26",
"type": "eighth_resource",
"attributes": {
"id": 26,
"my_attribute": "my_attribute"
structure from mirage response:
data: {
attributes: {
my_attribute: 'my_attribute',
second_resource_ids: [36, 37],
fifth_resource_ids: []
id: 11,
relationships: {
third_resource_other_type: {data: null}
fourth_resource: {data: null}
second_resources: {data: []}
type: "first_resources"
resources in tests:
server.create('second-resource', {
id: 36,
first_resource_id: '11',
my_attribute: "my_attribute"
server.create('eighth-resource', {
id: 140,
second_resource_id: 37
server.create('eighth-resource', {
id: 141,
second_resource_id: 37
server.create('second-resource', {
id: 37,
first_resource_id: '11',
eighth_resource_ids: [140, 141]
server.create('first-resource', {
id: 11,
second_resource_ids: [36, 37]
first_resource model in mirage:
export default Model.extend({
third_resource_other_type: belongsTo(),
fourth_resource: belongsTo(),
fifth_resources: hasMany(),
second_resources: hasMany()