I'm currently writing tests for my App written with EmberJS. I'm using Mirage. I have the two following models:
export default Model.extend({
customer: belongsTo('customer'),
paperwork_products: hasMany('paperwork-product', { inverse: 'paperwork' }),
export default Model.extend({
paperwork: belongsTo('paperwork', { inverse: 'paperwork_products' }),
In my scenario, I'm creating my datas like this:
const paperwork = server.create('paperwork');
const paperworkProduct = server.create('paperwork-product', { paperwork });
My route:
export default ApplicationRoute.extend({
model(params) {
return this.store.findRecord('paperwork', params.paperwork_id, { include: 'paperwork_products' }),
The problem is that I can't access paperwork.paperwork_products in my template. It's undefined (other paperwork attributes are here, but not relationship). I already even tried to put a debugger in my mirage/config.js when routes are declared. My paperwork exists, and his "paperwork_products" too. But I can't get paperwork_products data in my template. What am I doing wrong ? I think I must change something in my :
But I don't know what ... Thanks in advance !
Edit: Here are my real Ember models:
export default DS.Model.extend({
customer: DS.belongsTo('customer'),
paperwork_products: DS.hasMany('paperwork-product', { async: true }),
export default DS.Model.extend({
paperwork: DS.belongsTo('paperwork'),
Yesterday I tried to compare the real JsonApi response from my back, and Mirage response, and I saw that in the relationships hash, my relationship "paperwork_products" was changed to paperwork-products (with Mirage). So there is a problem with relationships with an underscore or models with dash ... In config.js, I tried to mock JSONAPI Backend, and it works wells. Just replaced "paperwork-products" by "paperwork_products"
Mirage response :
Should be :
My other models with hasMany relationships do not have any problems.