I recently upgraded and I am seeing errors when installing components from the web.config where the lifestyle is PerWebReqest...if I specify the lifestyle in affluent api, all works fine. Has anybody had any issues using PerWebRequest in XML configuration either in the webconfig or separate file?
1 Answers
I'm having the same issue; when assigning the PerWebRequest lifestyle via the fluent configuration API everything works fine but when I register a component with this lifestyle via my castle.config it throws up:
Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Conversion.ConverterException HResult=0x80131500 Message=Could not convert from 'perwebrequest' to Castle.Core.LifestyleType. Source=Castle.Windsor ...
Inner Exception 1: ArgumentException: Requested value 'perwebrequest' was not found.
This is with the following configuration (class names omitted):<component id="myController" lifestyle="perwebrequest" service="..." type="...">
My workaround for the moment is to use 'transient' which is less than ideal...