
I'm working on a 3-tier MVC application. The data layer contains an EF4 code-first DbContext:

public class MyDataContext : DbContext
    // DbSet<>s...

There's also an interface and an implementation for DI:

public interface IContextFactory
    MyDataContext GetContext();

public class ContextFactory : IContextFactory
    readonly MyDataContext context;
    public ContextFactory(MyDataContext context)
        this.context = context;

    public MyDataContext GetContext()
        return this.context;

And a repository pattern:

public interface IRepository<T>
    T Create();
    void Insert(T entity);
    void Delete(T entity);
    void Save();

public class Repository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity>
  where TEntity: class, new()
    public Repository(IContextFactory factory)
        this.context = factory.GetContext();
        this.set = factory.Set<TEntity>();

The upper tiers access the entities by having IRepository<> injected with castle windsor. Custom providers/modules explicitly .Resolve<>() them as needed.

The data layer is being registered in a castle IWindsorInstaller:

    .DependsOn(new Hashtable() { {"connectionStringName", "DefaultConnection"} })



I wouldn't know anything was wrong - my tests don't cover the data context - but in debug mode my data context's constructor is getting called nearly a dozen times per web request.

edit: Whilst it does not explain why Repository and MyDataContext aren't getting scoped to web requests, my break point inside the constructor reveals an identical call stack all dozen-or-so times that its constructed: MembershipProvider.GetUser -> new Repository(IContextFactory). I have no explicit calls to GetUser - what in the world would cause FormsAuthentication to call GetUser so many times?


1 Answers


Add something like this in your Global.asax.cs file:

    protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs args)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this.Request.RequestType + " " + this.Request.RawUrl);

Hook up with debugger and verify that there realy is just one request per "request". Maybe you have ajax requests running parallelly. Or mayby you have your content elements (js files, images) protected and their gets are executing C# code.