How to show yesterday's date in my textbox the yesterday's date and at the same time, the today's date in ?
I have this home.php where I show the date yesterday(user cannot modify this-readonly) and the date today(user MUST input the date today). And when tomorrow comes and the user visits the home .php s/he will saw the date inputted yesterday, and will input the date again for romorrow's.
E.G: Day1 (march 30, 2011) Yesterday's date: March 29, 2011. (Not editable textbox) Enter date today: (I'll type..) March 30, 2011.
Day 2 (march 31, 2011) Yesterday's date: March 30, 2011. (Not editable textbox) Automatically, this will appear upon hitting the home.php Enter date today: (I'll type..) March 31, 2011.
and so on..
I need a validation that wont accept wrong date format and the format must be: 01-Mar-11 How to do this? :(