Trying to use seaborn and matplotlib to plot some data, need to add some descriptive text to my plot, normally I'd just use the matplotlib command text, and place it where I wanted relative to the axes, but it doesn't appear to work at all, I get no text showing beyond the default stuff on the axes, ticks, etc. What I want is some custom text showing in the top left corner of the plot area.
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
df is my pandas dataframe, it just contains some columns of time and coordinate data with a tag "p" which is an identifier.
ax2 = sns.scatterplot("t","x", data = df, hue = "p")
ax2.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$s = {}, F = {}, N = {}$".format(value1, valu2, value3))
Anyone know how I can get some text to show, relatively positioned, the "value" items are just the variables with the data I want to print. Thanks.