I tried to reproduce your issue, but failed that I can list all VMs via my code as below. Before to run my code, I assigned a role Virtual Machine Contributor
(or you can use higher level role like Contributer
or Owner
) to my app registed in AzureAD for my current subscription, you can refer to the offical document Manage access to Azure resources using RBAC and the Azure portal
to know it.
var msRestAzure = require('ms-rest-azure');
var ComputeManagementClient = require('azure-arm-compute');
var clientId = process.env['CLIENT_ID'] || '<your client id>';
var domain = process.env['DOMAIN'] || '<your tenant id>';
var secret = process.env['APPLICATION_SECRET'] || '<your client secret>';
var subscriptionId = process.env['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'] || '<your subscription id for listing all VMs in it>';
var computeClient;
msRestAzure.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret(clientId, secret, domain, function (err, credentials, subscriptions) {
computeClient = new ComputeManagementClient(credentials, subscriptionId);
computeClient.virtualMachines.listAll(function (err, result) {
On Azure portal, there are 155 VMs list in my current subscription as the figure below. However, the result of my code only is 153 VMs. I don't know why the results are different, but my code result is same with Azure CLI command az vm list | grep vmId | wc -l
Fig 1. The number of VMs in my current subscription

Fig 2. The result of my code

Fig 3. The result of Azure CLI command az vm list|grep vmId|wc -l

Per my experience, I guess your issue was caused by assigning the lower permission role for your app to only list VMs that you have default accessing permission.
Any concern or update is very helpful for understanding what your real issue is, please feel free to let me know.