I am currently attempting to get a list of all of the Virtual Machines that I have running under a Windows Azure subscription programmatically. For this, I am attempting to use the Azure REST API (https://management.core.windows.net), and not use the power-shell cmdlets.
Using the cmdlets I can run 'Get-AzureVM' and get a listing of all of the VM's with ServiceName, Name, and Status without any modifications. The problem is that I cannot find anywhere in the documentation of how to list out the VMs via the API.
I have looked through the various Azure REST API's but have not been able to find anything. The documentation for VM REST API does not show or provide a list function.
Am I missing the fundamentals somewhere?
// Create the request.
// https://management.core.windows.net/<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices
requestUri = new Uri("https://management.core.windows.net/"
+ subscriptionId
+ "/services/"
+ operation);
This is what I am using for the base of the request. I can get a list of hosted services but not the Virtual Machines.