
I have a problem with the AutoBuild function in VSCode Latex-Workshop:


"latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run": "onFileChange"

the project is not build if I change (and save) my tex-file, even though the Latex Workshop logger tells me:

[10:54:26] File watcher: responding to change in /path/presentation.tex
[10:54:26] Parsing /path/presentation.tex

But nothing more happens.

If I change the settings to

"latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run": "onSave"

things work as expected:

[10:59:28] File watcher: responding to change in /path/presentation.tex
[10:59:28] Parsing /path/presentation.tex
[10:59:28] Auto-build /path/presentation.tex upon save.
[10:59:28] BUILD command invoked.

(... building commences ...)

All other settings are kept on default values.

I am using LaTeX-Workshop version 6.0.0

Thank you very much for your help!


Thanks for the suggestion to change the setting to "onSave"! I'm having the same issue with "onFileChange" with LaTeX Workshop v8.15.0. Maybe the github issues is a better place to raise this issue.Iliyan Georgiev

1 Answers


I experience the same problems with LaTeX Workshop 8.16.1 in vscode 1.54.3. It is a known problem, see this FAQ.