I'm building a shaped particle system (a galaxy) using a Unity Sprite component and the various emitter modules, where the sprites are static and last forever (100000 seconds)...
public ParticleSystem particles_galaxy;
ParticleSystem.EmissionModule galaxy_emmitter;
ParticleSystem.TextureSheetAnimationModule galaxy_textureAnim;
ParticleSystem.EmitParams galaxy_params;
I procedurally add particles, emitting them with a position and orientation and colour etc. I want to select which sprite to draw from a group of sprites.
I have assigned several sprites to the TextureSheetAnimationModule in the Inspector, and I can set them in the editor to change what's drawn. I can change the sprite used for the particles in code using galaxy_textureAnim.startFrame to specify a frame number, but this affects all sprites and doesn't change for each sprite as added.
Here I'm trying to add ten spiralling sprites with a random texture selected from two options:
for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++){
particleRadialDistance = n*0.1f;
particleRadialPosition = n*0.1f;
placement.y = Mathf.Lerp(0.35f, 0.5f, particleRadialDistance);
placement.x = particleRadialPosition*Mathf.PI*2;
galaxy_params.position = class_utilities.PositionFromPolar(placement);
galaxy_params.rotation = 180+Mathf.Lerp(0,-360,particleRadialPosition);
galaxy_params.startSize = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 2f, particleRadialDistance);
galaxy_textureAnim.startFrame = Random.Range(0,2);
particles_galaxy.Emit(galaxy_params, 1);
How do I change the frame/sprite number for each sprite?