I am setting up a mute command for my new discord bot, I am fairly new to the discord.py stuff, and do not understand what is going wrong. I keep getting the error that a member is not being specified, when it clearly is.
I have tried many tutorials on youtube etc, but it always skims over a detail or two so I can't fully figure it out. I would appreciate it if someone could correct my code, because I am still learning discord.py.
async def mute(context, member: discord.Member=None):
if not member:
await client.say('Please specify a member')
role = get(member.server.roles, name="Muted")
await client.add_roles(member, role)
await client.say('{member.mention} was muted.')
It is just supposed to add the muted role to someone, and be done with it. I am having the same issue with specifying a member when using my ban and kick commands too, which are done in the same fashion.
I am open to all suggestions, thank you!