
In my discord.py bot, I am trying to make a function that runs the code that's nescessary for the bot to join a voice channel, play an audio file, and then leave. I am doing this, so I do not have to copy and paste the same code for every voice command that I want to make. However, I cannot get the function to run.

I have tried playing around with async def and await functions for my function, however it does not seem to work. I am clueless, as when I run my code, I receive no errors.

async def voiceCommand(ctx, message, file, time, cmd):
    channel = ctx.message.author.voice.voice_channel
    if channel == None: # If the user who sent the voice command isn't in a voice channel.
        await client.say('You are not in a voice channel, therefore I cannot run this command.')
    else: # If the user is in a voice channel
        print(executed(cmd, message.author))
        voice = await client.join_voice_channel(channel)
        server = ctx.message.server
        voice_client = client.voice_client_in(server)
        player = voice.create_ffmpeg_player(file) # Uses ffmpeg to create a player, however it makes a pop up when it runs.
        await voice_client.disconnect() # Disconnects WingBot from the voice channel.


@client.command(pass_context = True)
async def bigbruh(ctx):
    voiceCommand(ctx, message, 'bigbruh.mp3', '0.5', 'bigbruh')

These are the snippets of code I am trying to use to run the function.

Full source code here: https://pastebin.com/bv86jSvk


1 Answers


You can use these few methods to run async function in python

async def print_id():

async def on_ready():
    bot.loop.create_task(print_id()) #this will run the print_id function

async def not_me(msg):
    await bot.send_message(msg.message.channel,"You are not me")

async def greet():

async def me(msg):
    if msg.message.author.id == '123123':
        await bot.say("Hello there") #await is used to run async function inside another async function

        await not_me(msg)

#To run the async function without it being inside another async function you have to use this method or something similar to it
import asyncio

# asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(the_function_name())
#in this case it's `greet`