
Ok, I'm running MAMP 1.9.5, which includes PHP 5.3.5, on my MacBook Pro.

The "intl" extension isn't included/activated and I've tried a lot of different ways to install it ("./pecl install intl" doesn't seem to do it), but can't make it work.

I've also "googled my ass of" but can't find any hints.

Anyone of you that know how to do it? Or, alternatively, have and advice on how to install my own MySQL+Apache+PHP (and include "intl")?

I'm trying to do this to be able to run Symfony2. So if you have any advice on how to install MySQL+Apache+PHP+Symfony2 on Mac, thats also welcome :)

Note that there is a stub implementation of intl included with Symfony2 which will provide you with the bare minimum of functionality for the 'en' locale. The standard edition loads the stubs by default: github.com/symfony/symfony-standard/blob/master/app/…igorw
After a first tried with pecl install intl (inside /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/bin) that run into another kind of problem. I found my solution here: stackoverflow.com/questions/10717752/…AsTeR

2 Answers


I just compiled on mine the other day.

I wrote a self reminder post here: http://szemian.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/compiling-intl-extension-for-mamp/

Let me know if you need further explanation. :)


The best way is to download PHP for OSX at http://php-osx.liip.ch/ and then copy the intl.so file from




Worked like a charm for me for PHP 5.4