How can I install or enable the PHP Pecl Intl extension in my PHP environment?
I've got a stock PHP configuration that came bundled with Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
Installing libicu from source and than $pecl install intl
results in the following error:
/private/tmp/pear/temp/intl/collator/collator_class.c:92: error: duplicate 'static'
/private/tmp/pear/temp/intl/collator/collator_class.c:96: error: duplicate 'static'
/private/tmp/pear/temp/intl/collator/collator_class.c:101: error: duplicate 'static'
/private/tmp/pear/temp/intl/collator/collator_class.c:107: error: duplicate 'static'
make: *** [collator/collator_class.lo] Error 1
ERROR: `make' failed
Any help is really appreciated!
pecl uninstall intl
but it told me that was not possible since it's not installed to begin with. The problem seems to be rooted in the fact that the source is bundled with my PHP distribution but that it's not enabled. – Marijn Huizendveld