
I'm trying to bind an array of id-value pairs to a kendo grid popup editor.

Got everything to work for creating a new record. Popup editor loads the custom editor and successfully submits the data to the controller.

The problem is when I try to edit records. The records displays properly in the row, but when I try to edit it, the multiselect does not hold the values.

Grid Markup

        dataSource: {
            type: "json",                
            schema: {
                data: "Data",
                total: "Total",
                errors: "Errors",
                model: {
                    id: "Id",
                    fields: {
                        DateOfContract: { type: 'date', editable: true },
                        DateOfCompletion: { type: 'date', editable: true },
                        AmountOfContract: { type: 'number', editable: true },
                        Contractor: { defaultValue: { id: "", name: "" } }
        columns: [            
            field: "ScopeOfWork",
            title: "Scope of Work",
            template: "#=parseScopeOfWork(ScopeOfWork)#",
            editor: scopeOfWorkEditor

Scope of Work editor

function scopeOfWorkEditor(container, options) {
    $('<input  data-text-field="name" data-value-field="id" data-bind="value:ScopeOfWork"/>')
            dataSource: {
                data: [
                    @foreach (var scopeOfWork in Model.AvailableScopeOfWork)
                        <text>{ id : "@scopeOfWork.Value", name : "@scopeOfWork.Text" },</text>

parseScopeOfWork - this method guys iterates through the object list and concats the name.

function parseScopeOfWork(scopeOfWork) {
    var result = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < scopeOfWork.length; i++) {
        result += scopeOfWork[i].Name;
        if (i < scopeOfWork.length - 1)
            result += ", <br/>";
    return result;

Here's a screenshot:

enter image description here


1 Answers


You're binding the SpaceOfWork to the new widget, but how that widget knows your Model ? I mean, just using data-bind doens't binds the model to the widget, it can't figure that by itself. I have two suggestions:

  1. Set the value in the widget's initialization:

        value: options.model.ScopeOfWork


  2. Bind the model to the widget for good:

    let $multiSelect = $('<input data-text-field="name" data-value-field="id" data-bind="value:ScopeOfWork"/>');
    kendo.bind($multiSelect, options.model);
        .kendoMultiSelect({ ...


Note: Edit the category cell in both demos to see the changes.