I could really need some help with my GameObjects.
I am working on a game in which I want a pick-up Item to create a Physics Force explosion to blow away the enemies. I made a simple Bomb-Object to test this idea. I added a straightforward code, using a loop to collect all the colliders within its radius, to then addForce to these colliders. Now the code is working properly, but not all my GameObjects are reacting properly.
I looked into why this is, and I noticed that my Collider keeps falling away from the GameObject as soon as I add a RigidBody component to the object. The RigidBody is needed for the AddForce impact. When I remove the rb, the collider stays in place, but the object does not react to the Physics Force.
I added some images to illustrate what I mean:
Image of the Collider of the leaf sinking away..
Example image of objects which DO react to the AddForce.
I already tried to:
- Copy/Paste all component settings from the reacting Cube and stone
Gameobjects to the Leaf Gameobject while disabling all other code
such as the c# scripts. The Collider & RB do not fall through the
floor but when Physics Force hits the Collider is blown away while
the GameObject keeps its position.
- Try different GameObjects/Collider types.
- Removed the water.
- Play with amount of force/radius of the bomb.
- Edited 'Tag' and 'Layerstyle' of GameObject.
The 'Explosion Code' is added below, however, I don't think the problem is in the code. I added the code to the Main Camera of my scene, and added a simple sphere as the 'bomb' GameObject.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Explosion : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject bomb; //set the position of the explosion
public float power = 10.0f;
public float radius = 10.0f;
public float upForce = 0.0f;
private void FixedUpdate()
if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
print("space key was pressed");
Invoke("Detonate", 1);
void Detonate()
Vector3 explosionPosition = bomb.transform.position; //set the position of our explosion to the position of the bomb.
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(explosionPosition, radius); //collects all colliders within the radius.
foreach (Collider hit in colliders) { //for each individual collider the following code is ran.
Rigidbody rb = hit.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); //declare'rb' rigidbody. Get rb component from each collider
if (rb != null)
rb.AddExplosionForce(power, explosionPosition, radius, upForce, ForceMode.Impulse); //add force to each collider
How do I make the Rigidbody, Collider and GameObject of the leaf hold onto each other like the standard 3D object 'cube', so that I can make these blow away with the Physics Force just like the other models?
Thank you for your time, I have been trying things and looking around on the Internet for hours now but can't seem to find any solution.