I want to get UAR (unweighted accuracy) from confusion matrix to monitor UAR of validation data. However, it is difficult to deal with tensor.
I did refer to this site and try to create my own metrics in Keras.
I am making the metrics by using the first method to use both ModelCheckpoint
and EarlyStopping
supported by Keras.
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',optimizer=adam, metrics=['accuracy', uar_accuracy])
However, I don't know how to define the uar_accuracy
def uar_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
# Calculate the label from one-hot encoding
pred_class_label = K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)
true_class_label = K.argmax(y_true, axis=-1)
cf_mat = tf.confusion_matrix(true_class_label, pred_class_label )
diag = tf.linalg.tensor_diag_part(cf_mat)
uar = K.mean(diag)
return uar
This result returns the average of the number of data right for each class. But I do not want the average of the number of correct data, but I want the average of the correct probabilities for each class.
How can I implement it?
I have implemented the following for the numpy type, not the Tensor type using sklearn.metrics
and collections
def get_accuracy_and_cnf_matrix(label, predict):
uar = 0
accuracy = []
cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(label, predict)
for index,i in enumerate(diag):
# cnf_marix (Number of corrects -> Accuracy)
cnf_matrix = np.transpose(cnf_matrix)
cnf_matrix = cnf_matrix*100 / cnf_matrix.astype(np.int).sum(axis=0)
cnf_matrix = np.transpose(cnf_matrix).astype(float)
cnf_matrix = np.around(cnf_matrix, decimals=2)
test_weighted_accuracy = np.sum(label==predict)/len(label)*100
test_unweighted_accuracy = uar/len(cnf_matrix)*100
return np.around(np.array(accuracy),decimals=2), cnf_matrix