I have written a azure webjob which has timerTrigger. The static method gets called every minute and it has to make http POST request. I want to access the appSettings.json file within the timerTrigger static method. How can I access it?
I see examples where static method for QueueTrigger have ExecutionContext and TextWriter as parameters. Please see below example:
public static void ProcessOrder(
[QueueTrigger("orders")] Order order,
TextWriter log,
ExecutionContext context)
log.WriteLine("InvocationId: {0}", context.InvocationId);
How can I inject similar current execution context and TextWriter logger into my timerTrigger static method - "TimerTick"? Below is my TimerTrigger static method :
public class Test
private static IConfiguration _config;
private static IHttpHandler _httpHandler;
public Test(IConfiguration configuration, IHttpHandler httpHandler)
_config = configuration;
_httpHandler = httpHandler;
public static void TimerTick([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer)
string baseUrl = _config?.GetSection("WebJobConfiguration:url")?.Value;
string API = _config.GetSection("WebJobConfiguration:API")?.Value;
Console.WriteLine("URL: " + baseUrl + API);
_httpHandler.PostAsync(baseUrl + API, null);
======================================================================= Updating the question:
I updated the method which has TimerTrigger to be:
public async static Task TriggerNotification([TimerTrigger("%Job%")]TimerInfo myTimer, ExecutionContext context)
Reading the %Job% from config file using NameResolver.
When I try to pass the current execution context within TriggerNotification method, I get the following error:
How can I solve this?
The webjob is configured using HostBuilder. Below is the code. I'm using Azure webjob version 3.0.3.
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureWebJobs(webJobConfiguration =>
} catch { ... }