
I have written a azure webjob which has timerTrigger. The static method gets called every minute and it has to make http POST request. I want to access the appSettings.json file within the timerTrigger static method. How can I access it?

I see examples where static method for QueueTrigger have ExecutionContext and TextWriter as parameters. Please see below example:

    public static void ProcessOrder(
    [QueueTrigger("orders")] Order order,
    TextWriter log,
    ExecutionContext context)
    log.WriteLine("InvocationId: {0}", context.InvocationId);

How can I inject similar current execution context and TextWriter logger into my timerTrigger static method - "TimerTick"? Below is my TimerTrigger static method :

        public class Test
            private static IConfiguration _config;
            private static IHttpHandler _httpHandler;
            public Test(IConfiguration configuration, IHttpHandler httpHandler)
                _config = configuration;
                _httpHandler = httpHandler;

            public static void TimerTick([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer)
                string baseUrl = _config?.GetSection("WebJobConfiguration:url")?.Value;
                string API = _config.GetSection("WebJobConfiguration:API")?.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("URL: " + baseUrl + API);
                _httpHandler.PostAsync(baseUrl + API, null);

======================================================================= Updating the question:

I updated the method which has TimerTrigger to be:

public async static Task TriggerNotification([TimerTrigger("%Job%")]TimerInfo myTimer, ExecutionContext context)

Reading the %Job% from config file using NameResolver.

When I try to pass the current execution context within TriggerNotification method, I get the following error: enter image description here

How can I solve this?

The webjob is configured using HostBuilder. Below is the code. I'm using Azure webjob version 3.0.3.

 static void Main(string[] args)
            var builder = new HostBuilder()
                    .ConfigureWebJobs(webJobConfiguration =>
        } catch { ... }



1 Answers


I want to access the appSettings.json file within the timerTrigger static method. How can I access it?

I used Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json to implement it, in most situation we use this package to configure settings in Json . And I tried it could be used to read json. And here is complete code. You could have a try.

public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")] TimerInfo timer,
        ILogger logger)
        logger.LogInformation("Doing some timely work ...");
        IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot = BuildConfiguration();
        string connectString= configurationRoot.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")["AzureWebJobsDashboard"];

        // and other stuff .....

    private static IConfigurationRoot BuildConfiguration()
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

        IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot = builder.Build();
        return configurationRoot;

And you could show it in Logger. enter image description here

As for ExecutionContext, you could refer to this wiki, or you could go to official doc, it has examples about how to use it.

Hope this could help you , if you still have other questions, please let me know.

Update : The Program.cs pic.

enter image description here