I have an Azure WebJob project, that I am running locally on my dev machine. It is listening to an Azure Service Bus message queue. Nothing going on like Topics, just the most basic message queue.
It is receiving/processing the same message multiple times, launching twice immediately when the message is received, then intermittently whilst the message is being processed.
- How come I am receiving the same message multiple times instantly? It seems that it's re-fetching before a PeekLock is applied?
- How come the message is being re-received even though it is still being processed? Can I set the PeekLock duration, or somehow lock the message to only be processed once
- How can I ensure that each message on the queue is only processed once?
- I want to be able to process multiple messages at once, just not the same message multiple times, so setting MaxConcurrentCalls to 1 does not seem to be my answer, or am I misunderstanding that property?
I am using an async function, simple injector and a custom JobActivator, so instead of a static void method, my Function signature is:
public async Task ProcessQueueMessage([ServiceBusTrigger("AnyQueue")] MediaEncoderQueueItem message, TextWriter log) {...}
Inside the job, it is moving some files around on a blob service, and calling (and waiting for) a media encoder from media services. So, whilst the web job itself is not doing a lot of processing, it takes quite a long time (15 minutes, for some files).
The app is launching, and when I post a message to the queue, it responds. However, it is receiving the message multiple times as soon as the message is received:
Executing: 'Functions.ProcessQueueMessage' - Reason: 'New ServiceBus message detected on 'MyQueue'.'
Executing: 'Functions.ProcessQueueMessage' - Reason: 'New ServiceBus message detected on 'MyQueue'.'
Additionally, whilst the task is running (and I see output from the Media Service functionality), it will get another "copy" from the queue.
finally after the task has completed, it's still intermittently processing the same message.