I've been working on detecting collision between to object in my game. Right now everything tavels vertically, but would like to keep the option for other movement open. It's classic 2d vertical space shooter.
Right now I loop through every object, checking for collisions:
for(std::list<Object*>::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin(); iter != mObjectList.end();) {
Object *m = (*iter);
for(std::list<Object*>::iterator innerIter = ++iter; innerIter != mObjectList.end(); innerIter++ ) {
Object *s = (*innerIter);
if(m->getType() == s->getType()) {
if(m->checkCollision(s)) {
Here is how I check for a collision:
bool checkCollision(Object *other) {
float radius = mDiameter / 2.f;
float theirRadius = other->getDiameter() / 2.f;
Vector<float> ourMidPoint = getAbsoluteMidPoint();
Vector<float> theirMidPoint = other->getAbsoluteMidPoint();
// If the other object is in between our path on the y axis
if(std::min(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius) <= theirMidPoint.y &&
theirMidPoint.y <= std::max(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius)) {
// Get the distance between the midpoints on the x axis
float xd = abs(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x);
// If the distance between the two midpoints
// is greater than both of their radii together
// then they are too far away to collide
if(xd > radius+theirRadius) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
The problem is it will randomly detect collisions correctly, but other times does not detect it at all. It's not the if statement breaking away from the object loop because the objects do have different types. The closer the object is to the top of the screen, the better chance it has of collision getting detected correctly. Closer to the bottom of the screen, the less chance it has of getting detected correctly or even at all. However, these situations don't always occur. The diameter for the objects are massive (10 and 20) to see if that was the problem, but it doesn't help much at all.
EDIT - Updated Code
bool checkCollision(Object *other) {
float radius = mDiameter / 2.f;
float theirRadius = other->getDiameter() / 2.f;
Vector<float> ourMidPoint = getAbsoluteMidPoint();
Vector<float> theirMidPoint = other->getAbsoluteMidPoint();
// Find the distance between the two points from the center of the object
float a = theirMidPoint.x - ourMidPoint.x;
float b = theirMidPoint.y - ourMidPoint.y;
// Find the hypotenues
double c = (a*a)+(b*b);
double radii = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f);
// If the distance between the points is less than or equal to the radius
// then the circles intersect
if(c <= radii*radii) {
return true;
} else {
return false;