I've been trying to use my collision detection to stop objects from going through each other. I can't figure out how to do it though.
When objects collide, I've tried reversing the direction of their velocity vector (so it moves away from where it's colliding) but sometimes the objects get stuck inside each other.
I've tried switching their velocities but this just parents objects to each other.
Is there a simple way to limit objects' movement so that they don't go through other objects? I've been using the rectangle intersects for collisions, and I've also tried circle collision detection (using distance between objects).
package objects;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import custom.utils.Vector;
import sprites.Picture;
import render.Window;
// Super class (game objects)
public class Entity implements GameObject{
private Picture self;
protected Vector position;
protected Vector velocity = new Vector(0,0);
private GameObject[] obj_list = new GameObject[0];
private boolean init = false;
// Takes in a "sprite"
public Entity(Picture i){
self = i;
position = new Vector(i.getXY()[0],i.getXY()[1]);
public Object getIdentity() {
return this;
// position handles
public Vector getPosition(){
return position;
public void setPosition(double x,double y){
public void setPosition(){
// velocity handles
public void setVelocity(double x,double y){ // Use if you're too lazy to make a vector
velocity.setValues(x, y);
public void setVelocity(Vector xy){ // Use if your already have a vector
velocity.setValues(xy.getValues()[0], xy.getValues()[1]);
public Vector getVelocity(){
return velocity;
// inferface for all game objects (so they all update at the same time)
public boolean checkInit(){
return init;
public Rectangle getBounds() {
double[] corner = position.getValues(); // Get the corner for the bounds
int[] size = self.getImageSize(); // Get the size of the image
return new Rectangle((int)Math.round(corner[0]),(int)Math.round(corner[1]),size[0],size[1]); // Make the bound
// I check for collisions where, this grabs all the objects and checks for collisions on each.
private void checkCollision(){
if (obj_list.length > 0){
for (GameObject i: obj_list){
if (getBounds().intersects(i.getBounds()) && i != this){
// What happens here?
public void updateSelf(){
position = position.add(velocity);
init = true;
public void pollObjects(GameObject[] o){
obj_list = o;
Hopefully it's not too difficult to read.
Edit: So I've been using the rectangle intersection method to calculate the position of an object and to modify velocity. It's working pretty well. The only problem is that some objects push others, but that's so big deal. Collision is pretty much an extra thing for the mini game I'm creating. Thanks a lot of the help.
All that being said, I'd still really appreciate elaboration on mentioned ideas since I'm not totally sure how to implement them into my project.