Note that, as clarified in my comment, I was looking for something clean, not a transaction, since the way transactions work is a bit ugly (the interface should at least should have lambdas as an option, instead anonymous classes :/.) Or better, just beginTransaction(), endTransaction(), e.g. :
new TransactionCallable<Void>() {
public Void run(TransactionContext transactionContext) throws Exception {
Struct row = transactionContext.readRow(
WriteBuilder writeBuilder = updateBuilder(
if(row == null) {
Mutation recMut =
updateBuilder(Mutation.newUpdateBuilder(MY_TABLE), myDataModel).build();
return null;
@RedPandaCurious is correct, that Scott's answer only half-works: (1) is bound to fail, for reasons outlined in the question - or taken another way, just re-states what I want to accomplish, without illustrating how (2) is just re-stating my follow-up comment, without providing any more details or docs.
@RedPandaCurious, if you want to note that transactions are faster than catching the exception, with some docs around that (I'm particularly curious if they are faster, overall, for a variety of workloads, in the face of many many concurrent operations, not necessarily just faster for the one client handling the exception), that makes sense as an answer-ish. In the end, though, transactions are the most correct, sane way to reason about it. Which is why I ended up with that approach - since either way was ugly.
OK, it turns out, if you remove the @Nullable annotation, you can use lambdas, and, with a little additional re-factoring, reduce this to:
public interface SpannerOperation {
Boolean doOperation(TransactionContext ctxt, Struct row);
private Boolean executeIfExists(
... key fields ...
SpannerOperation spannerOperationIfExists,
SpannerOperation spannerOperationifNotExists,
Iterable<String> columns
) {
return this.dbClient.readWriteTransaction().run(
transactionContext -> {
Struct row = transactionContext.readRow(
if(row != null) {
spannerOperation.doOperation(transactionContext, row);
return true;
} else {
spannerOperationifNotExists.doOperation(transactionContext, null);
return false;
public boolean doSomething(... keyStuff.. )
return this.executeIfExists(
.. key fields ...
(ctxt, row) -> {
Mutation mut = Mutation
return true;
(ctxt, row) -> false,
Collections.singleton(..some column you want to read in..)
Note that this also works for stuff like appending to a list, etc, and it all gets factored down to just what you need. Google really needs an ifExists() method - I ended up using this in quite a few places.. ;)