I'm trying to display a columnrange chart in a Vue.js application using Highcharts, but I'm getting Highcharts Error #17 (The requested series type does not exist).
I've installed [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] via npm.
Here are my imports:
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'
import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import HighchartsMore from 'highcharts/highcharts-more'
And here is a snippet of my chart:
let div_id = 'chart_' + id;
let chart = {
renderTo: div_id,
type: 'columnrange',
zoomType: 'xy',
inverted: true
let title = 'Chart Title';
$('#charts').append('<div id="' + div_id + '"></div>');
let display_chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: chart,
title: title,
I expect to see a columnrange chart but am instead seeing Highcharts Error #17 (The requested series type does not exist) despite importing highcharts-more.
When I replace the columnrange chart with a regular line chart, everything works just fine.
Update: Embarassingly, I've discovered my issue. 'columnrage' is, in fact, not the same as 'columnrange'. I don't know who to credit with the correct answer because the probably presented was caused by my own typographical error that I missed over and over and over again.
Thank you all for the help!